Connecting to ground can be through physical touch or attuned awareness. Connecting to ground helps us locate ourselves in the present moment. The ground gives us context for our physical form. This can be soothing for when we feel disembodied, anxious, or excited. The elements of ground, gravity, and weight are all closely related. When you connect with ground, sense the weight, density, and shape of your body.
Lay down on the floor
Press your feet into the floor
Sense the ground of your pelvic bowl
Bring touch or movement to your legs
Humming or sounding your voice in a soothing way activates the vagus nerve which regulates your parasympathetic nervous system. When humming you actively control your breath pattern which also contributes to stress management. Sound vibration activates subtle movement in your body. This helps awaken new awareness, sensation, and fluid resonance.
Hum for the duration of your exhale
Sing your favorite song
Chant a mantra, script, or verse
Read out loud
Giving self touch is a direct way to demonstrate self compassion. Touch lets us know our location and boundaries. Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies and mitigates the tender liminal space between us and the outside world. When we give touch to our skin we awaken new sensation, which in turn, awakens new awareness to guide us into the present moment.
Stroke your neck and chest
Play with your hair
Outline your face with your fingertips
Gently squeeze the soles of your feet
Written by Lillian Kemanis
To connect with Lillian and her work in Somatic Education and Therapy CLICK HERE