Sick of your own bullshit?
As a Creative you know that your art is a path for self healing but also in service of something much bigger than yourself. The very thing that keeps you stuck is the exact thing your creativity is here to heal. In moving beyond fear, shame, blame, and feelings of unworthiness, you can finally get the chance to set your genius free 🌈
This workbook is designed to help you take full responsibility for your creative purpose. Each chapter includes an essay, journal prompts, and audio recorded meditations. It will take you on a self inquiry process from head to heart to body ~ offering you a path for deep creative transformation.
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A deeper look
This workbook is designed to help you take full responsibility for your creative purpose. Each chapter includes an essay, journal prompts, and audio recorded meditations. I would suggest to go through this workbook sequentially. Once you are finished you can return to it at any time and in any order. Your pace is up to you, however, this workbook is intended to be short & sweet and accessible for busy people. (Who isn’t busy nowadays?!)
There are 4-5 journal prompts in each section that can take approximately 5-10 minutes each. There are 2 meditations in each section. “EXPLORE” meditations are 15 minutes and give you an in depth, slower paced process. “DROP IN” meditations are 7 minutes and give you a quick moment for self connection.
The meditations are intended to help you directly engage with your subconscious mind through your body and imagination. These practices are an embodied form of self inquiry that involve somatic awareness, taking you out of your “thinking mind” and into your “feeling body.”
About the Author
My name is Lillian Kemanis
I am a Registered Somatic Movement Educator & Therapist; mover, maker, writer, and facilitator. My work aims to assist personal healing and collective liberation through the art of play, pleasure, and authentic expression. I work with clients and students through offering 1:1 Sessions, online & live workshops, and digital resources (such as this workbook!)
My main focus is to help individuals:
Connect with the emotional body
Discover authentic self expression
Resolve internalized shame and judgment
Mend ruptures in self identity
Cultivate healthy body and emotional awareness
Revive vital, lifeforce energy
Thank you for being here and taking an interest in my work!